AP Exam Prep That Works
Build your knowledge and confidence in as little as 4 weeks.
Professional 1:1 Tutoring
Engage with professional tutors (not college students) who have undergone rigorous vetting. Our tutors are experts in their field and have extensive one-on-one tutoring experience.
Available On Your Schedule
We know that you're busy. That's why we're open everyday from 9am-9pm so that you can get tutoring when you need it.
Only Pay For Results
If your student doesn't score a 3 or higher on their AP exam then you don't have to pay us anything - it's that simple.
Our (Brilliant) AP Exam Tutors
The Results Speak For Themselves
"I used Pivot for my Calculus class my freshman year of college and it was amazing. The tutors adapted to my learning style and helped me get the best out of the time we had."
- Katie T
"AP Calculus A/B was a challenging course but with the help of its knowledgeable tutors my son was able to pass the final test with the highest score!"
- Guilia Cardano
"They helped me study for AP Exams. I have nothing but gratitude for everyone at Pivot Tutors for the amazing work they do!"
- Melissa R.
"I had several great tutors for both ACT and AP testing. They where all very kind and super informative. I passed all my AP exams."
- Sally Z.