Local San Diego teachers tutoring your kids
Improve test scores and grades with the highest-rated tutors in San Diego.
Our Tutors Get Results, Fast!
Watch as your student's grades soar.
Professional 1:1 Tutoring
Engage with professional educators (not random people) who know how to teach. Our tutors are experts in their field and have extensive one-on-one tutoring experience.
New! Instantly receive an AI summary and full audio transcript after each tutoring session.
Available On Your Schedule
No long term contracts or minimum number of sessions required. We're open everyday from 9am-9pm to help you schedule in-person or remote tutoring. Call, text, or email us.
Clear and Upfront Pricing
Transparent pricing that matches our commitment to delivering outstanding results. See costs upfront so you can make informed decisions and invest confidently in your child's education.
Accredited by WASC
Pivot Tutors is proud to be one of the only tutoring companies in San Diego accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, as of May 1, 2024.
Meet (some) of our amazing tutors
The Results Speak For Themselves
"Amazing, I cannot say enough great things about Pivot. They fully prepared my son for the ACT."
-Wendy M. (Parent, Canyon Crest Academy)
"Absolutely wonderful group of people, 5 star reviews all around! Not only was the Pivot team super helpful and fun to work with, they helped me dramatically increase my scores."
-Kaolyn R. (Student, Bishops)
"Amazing, I cannot say enough great things about Pivot. They fully prepared my son for the ACT. It made all the difference in the world."
- Wendy M. (Parent, Canyon Crest Academy)
"Absolutely wonderful group of people, 5 star reviews all around! Not only was the Pivot team super helpful and fun to work with, they helped me dramatically increase my scores."
- Kaolyn R. (Student, Bishops)
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