• Grasping Abstract Concepts

    Microeconomic concepts can be abstract and sometimes counter-intuitive. We employ concrete examples, simulations, and interactive games to bring these concepts to life, making them more tangible and understandable.

  • Applying Mathematical Models

    Many students struggle with applying math to economic concepts. We help students grasp these mathematical models by breaking them down into manageable parts and offering plenty of practice problems to solidify their understanding.

  • Understanding Graphs

    Graphs are used extensively in microeconomics to illustrate concepts. Some students find interpreting these graphs challenging. We use step-by-step methods to explain how to read and draw these graphs, and how they represent economic concepts.

  • Linking to the Real World

    Students often struggle to see the relevance of microeconomic concepts to the real world. We connect theories to current economic events and real-life scenarios, demonstrating the practical application of the concepts being studied.

  • Essay Writing

    The free-response section of the AP exam requires clear, concise, and analytical writing. We provide structured essay writing coaching to help students present their ideas effectively.

  • Preparing for AP Exam

    The AP Microeconomics exam requires students to recall and apply complex concepts quickly. We provide tailored revision strategies and practice exams to help students prepare effectively.

  • Real-life Case Studies

    Using case studies of real businesses or economic events to illustrate economic principles is a powerful teaching tool. These case studies can help students see the practical application of abstract concepts, making them more relatable and understandable.

  • Graphical Illustrations

    Graphs are vital in microeconomics to illustrate and explain many concepts, from supply and demand to cost curves. Regular practice in drawing, interpreting, and explaining these graphs is crucial for mastering microeconomics.

  • Mathematical Modelling

    Incorporating mathematical models can aid in understanding economic relationships and principles. We help students grasp these models by breaking them down into manageable parts, explaining each element and showing how it contributes to the overall picture.

  • Interactive Simulations

    Using online resources, we can simulate economic scenarios that allow students to make decisions and see the resulting outcomes. This can be an engaging way to understand how different economic principles interact in complex ways.

  • Discussion and Debate

    Economics is often about trade-offs and differing perspectives. Facilitating discussions or debates on these topics can help students understand the complexities and nuances of economic decision-making.

  • Exam Strategy Sessions

    As the AP exam has a specific format and scoring criteria, targeted sessions focusing on exam strategies are beneficial. This includes dissecting practice questions, writing practice essays, and learning time management strategies.

  • Advanced Humanities Degrees

    Our Microeconomics tutors are distinguished scholars who have obtained advanced degrees in disciplines such as history, literature, philosophy, or related fields. With their extensive academic background and expertise, they bring a deep understanding of human culture and society to the tutoring sessions

  • Experience Teaching Humanities

    Our humanities tutors have extensive teaching experience and a genuine passion for humanities education. They possess the expertise to engage students and ignite a love for the humanities through innovative teaching methods.

  • Friendly Personality

    Our tutors embody warmth and approachability. They foster an engaging learning environment, facilitating open communication and making students feel comfortable asking questions or expressing concerns.

Example Tutoring Packages

We offer diverse and flexible options, catering to your child's unique needs and your family's schedule. Choose from ad-hoc sessions for immediate needs, to long-term plans for ongoing support.

Our most common tutoring plans:

  • Semester Support

    This package offers regular tutoring sessions for an entire academic semester, ensuring consistent support for the student. The frequency could be 1-3 times per week depending on the need.

  • Monthly Intensive

    This offers more frequent sessions over a one-month period. This could be suitable for a student who needs to catch up quickly or prepare for an important exam.

  • Ad-hoc Sessions

    For students who require tutoring on a more sporadic or as-needed basis.

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