How to Be Successful with Online Learning

Due to COVID-19 and the Stay at Home Order, your students are starting to become proficient online learners! Unfortunately, the summer is slowly approaching and the desire to continue the online learning may be waning.  

For our lovely parents and students who will be working with us for academic or test prep tutoring this summer, here are some helpful tips to survive online tutoring!

Create a Special Space for Online Tutoring

It is important that your student designates a special spot for their online tutoring sessions.  The space should be comfortable, well lit, as quiet as humanly possible, and free of clutter (non-tutoring related materials). 

The space should also hold all of their tutoring materials, such as books, pencils, paper etc., so that they are not scattered all over the house.  Being organized is KEY to successful online learning.

Reduce Distractions

We work with teenagers, so we understand that they can be easily distracted.  Have your students make sure they have muted their phones, turned off any TVs or game consoles before starting their session, and silenced the notifications on their laptops or iPads.  

Also, if possible, try to make sure that any pets that LOVE your student, or even younger siblings, are kept busy during the online tutoring session time.  Your tutor will love to meet their pet maybe once or twice but not every time!

Create a Homework/Practice Test Calendar

This advice is very important for all of our tutoring (online or in person).  Again, we work with teenagers, so we know that it can be hard for our students to have a desire to sit down and do their homework or take a practice test. 

Setting specific days/times on the calendar to complete their tutoring work will help reduce the  “Oh, I did not realize I had math today.  I did my English homework instead!”  OR  “I just did not have time to do my practice test for the 3rd weekend in a row!”   Put it on the calendar and STICK TO IT!


At this point, all of our students are probably tired of online learning.  However, the best method to reduce those online learning blues is to make sure they have some form of movement every day. Exercise helps us use our brain better!  It also reduces stress/anxiety, and people who exercise are happy people! I learned that from Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, so it must be true.

If your daughter likes to dance, make sure she dances!  Have her dance outside for the added fresh air benefit. If your son was on the soccer team, have him kick a ball around the backyard for a little bit!

We hope these tips are helpful!  We cannot wait to see you all again in PERSON!

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