How to be an Effective Proctor for At-Home Practice

If your child is prepping for the ACT or SAT, you can add proctor to the list of many, many roles parents have had to fill lately. Since most students are taking their practice tests at home, here are some helpful tips on effectively proctoring an ACT or SAT:

  1. Designate a space. Have your students take their test in a room that is quiet (or at least relatively far away from noises or distractions).  A room with good circulation and windows is a plus! 

  2. Declutter. Assign a specific testing space. An ideal space would have a table with no clutter, a comfortable chair, and only the materials the student will need for the test: calculator, pencil and scratch paper.

  3. Start early. Have your students take their test in the morning.  Students tend to be fresher in the morning. Also, their official test will be in the morning, so it will be helpful to practice taking it at the time they will have to officially take it as well.

  4. Be a good time keeper.  It is important that your students do each section in the allotted time. Have a timer (whether it be a phone, kitchen timer, or watch) to tell your student when to stop and start each section. Inaccurate timing will skew the results and hinder your students from gaining the practice they need. 

  5. Have the student wear a mask. The past few test dates have required students to wear a mask while taking the test.  If you think that your student’s testing site will require a mask (since we do not know when this restriction will be lifted), it would be beneficial for them to practice taking the test with a mask the whole time. 

If you’d like more information about remote proctoring, check out our previous post: “Remote Proctoring: What is it?”

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