AP Tests and SAT subject tests similar in a lot of ways, and both tests give students advantages and can help students in different ways during the college admission process. Certain colleges require SAT subject tests (see previous blog post for more in-depth SAT II info), and many other recommend, or will consider, subject tests as part of a student's application. AP tests are taken in conjunction with specific AP courses in schools.
AP Tests
Used to earn college credit
Correspond with a specific AP class/curriculum offered in school
The tests may be taken independently of the class, but is designed to be taken after the class
Students who score a 3-5 may earn college credit once scores are submitted - more selective schools accept mostly 4s and 5s for credit
Tests can also be used to of intro classes in certain subjects (think languages, sciences)
AP courses and tests are not explicitly required by colleges - they are unofficially encouraged because of the rigor of the curriculum and the academic stamina those classes represent on a transcript
SAT II Subject Tests
Required by more selective schools in tandem with ACT/SAT scores, etc.
All multiple choice- no essays included!
Act much like a final exam for a class, rather than being tied to a school-specific class like APs, subject tests are taken on their own to demonstrate mastery in a subject.
A few colleges use subject tests to stand in for placement exams (to place in a higher level course instead of introductory level courses)
Which AP classes align with which subject tests?
AP Literature = SAT Literature
AP US History = SAT US History
AP World History = SAT World History
Honors IM3/Honors PreCalc/AP Calc = Math II
AP Biology = SAT Biology
AP Chemistry = SAT Chemistry
AP Physics 1 & AP Physics 2 = SAT Physics
AP Spanish = both Spanish + with Listening
AP French = both French + with Listening
AP Tests...
Range from 2-3 hours (but most are closer to 3 hours long)
Have 2 sections: multiple choice and free response
Are only offered ONCE A YEAR (in May), students should take corresponding AP exams at the end of the year they took the AP class in school
Can be taken at end of any year in high school - colleges will consider students' final transcript before deciding on placement and leveling for incoming freshmen
SAT Subject Tests...
Are 1-hour multiple choice tests
Are ONLY multiple choice
Are offered on 6 dates (aligned with the regular SAT tests)
Students will want to take all SAT subject tests (that they would like to submit as part of college applications) by November of their senior year, otherwise schools may not receive student scores in time to be considered as part of an application
How well do the AP tests correlate with the SAT Subject Tests?