• Volume of Information

    The breadth and depth of information to cover in AP US History can be overwhelming. To tackle this, we structure our sessions around key themes and periods, breaking down the extensive content into manageable chunks. We help students to categorize information and make connections between historical events and eras.

  • Primary and Secondary Sources

    Interpreting primary and secondary sources can be difficult due to archaic language or complex concepts. We guide students in developing analytical skills to critically examine these sources and discern key information.

  • Developing Historical Arguments

    Crafting well-reasoned and evidence-based arguments is a crucial aspect of AP US History. We provide regular practice in forming, articulating, and defending historical arguments.

  • Understanding Historical Context

    It can be challenging to understand events in their historical context, especially when modern perspectives can cloud judgment. We encourage students to think critically about the social, political, and economic conditions of different eras to fully understand historical events.

  • Recall and Retention

    Given the breadth of material, students often struggle with retaining key facts and dates. We employ mnemonic devices, periodic review sessions, and regular quizzes to aid recall and reinforce learning.

  • Exam Technique

    AP exams have a specific format and answering technique. We provide targeted training on how to approach different question types, manage time efficiently, and structure responses effectively.

  • Thematic Learning

    We divide the course into key themes, such as democracy, migration, and war, to give students a more structured and interconnected understanding of the material.

  • Source Analysis

    We include analysis of primary and secondary sources in our sessions to hone students' critical reading and interpretive skills. This could involve dissecting speeches, letters, or historical reports and identifying their significance in the historical context.

  • Discussion-Based Learning

    By engaging students in discussions about significant events, eras, and figures, we encourage them to form and articulate their own interpretations and arguments, which is a crucial skill for the AP exam.

  • Historical Simulation Activities

    We conduct role-plays and simulations of significant events or debates to help students understand the perspectives of different historical figures. This can increase engagement and deepen understanding of historical context.

  • Memory Aids

    We help students create timelines, flashcards, and mnemonic devices to enhance recall of key dates, events, and figures.

  • Exam-Oriented Practice

    We provide practice with AP-style questions, including document-based questions (DBQs) and long essay questions (LEQs), and give feedback on how to improve their answers.

  • Advanced Humanities Degrees

    Our US History tutors are distinguished scholars who have obtained advanced degrees in disciplines such as history, literature, philosophy, or related fields. With their extensive academic background and expertise, they bring a deep understanding of human culture and society to the tutoring sessions

  • Experience Teaching Humanities

    Our humanities tutors have extensive teaching experience and a genuine passion for humanities education. They possess the expertise to engage students and ignite a love for the humanities through innovative teaching methods.

  • Friendly Personality

    Our tutors embody warmth and approachability. They foster an engaging learning environment, facilitating open communication and making students feel comfortable asking questions or expressing concerns.

Example Tutoring Packages

We offer diverse and flexible options, catering to your child's unique needs and your family's schedule. Choose from ad-hoc sessions for immediate needs, to long-term plans for ongoing support.

Our most common tutoring plans:

  • Semester Support

    This package offers regular tutoring sessions for an entire academic semester, ensuring consistent support for the student. The frequency could be 1-3 times per week depending on the need.

  • Monthly Intensive

    This offers more frequent sessions over a one-month period. This could be suitable for a student who needs to catch up quickly or prepare for an important exam.

  • Ad-hoc Sessions

    For students who require tutoring on a more sporadic or as-needed basis.

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